Vape Review: Caliburn A2 Pod Kit by UWELL

UWELL has been one of the top brands for vape kits in the market due to its constant release of reliable and convenient vape devices. With the release of the Caliburn pod which remains the best-selling vape pod on the market, the line has grown more popular. Since then different versions of the original Caliburn have been introduced. 
In this post, you will get to know the Caliburn A2 Pod kit by UWELL.
What to Expect?
Given the popularity of the brand UWELL and its Caliburn vape pod line, the A2 Pod kit is definitely not going to disappoint. This vape pod is suitable for all vapers; beginners, …

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Interesting Facts About Vaping

Learn more about vaping with these interesting vaping facts listed below. 
1. Vaping can be highly addictive.
Just like traditional smoking, vaping can be very addictive and quitting it can be extremely challenging just like smoking cigarettes. Thus, if you don’t smoke, it is so much better for you if you just don’t get into vaping. 
2. Vaping is damaging to your health.
Although it has been proven that vaping is much less harmful to your health than smoking cigarettes, it is still not 100% safe for you. In fact, …

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Vape Liquids Guide For Beginners

To help you choose the best vape juice for your e-cigarette, read on through this post.
Before making any vape liquid purchase, please be reminded that under TPD (Tobacco Products Derivative) law, e-liquid products containing nicotine must not exceed 10ml in content for every bottle. 
4 Main Types of Vape Liquids

Regular 10mls: As its name suggests regular 10mls are vape liquids in 10ml bottles. This type of e-liquid often goes by the name TPD 10mls. 

TPD 10mls is vape juice combined with liquid nicotine. 

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The Best Leak-Proof Vape Kits

Looking for a good leak-proof vape device? Below is a rundown of the best spill-proof vape kits on the market today. 
1. UWELL Caliburn G
This vape device is among the best top-fill e-cigarettes and is among the most popular choice in the vaping community. It is sleek and very simple. With just one button, you can fire the vape, and turn the device on and off. 
2. Voopoo Drag X
Another great choice, if you are looking for a spill-proof vape device, is the Voopoo Drag X. This device is lightweight and small enough to fit…

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Vape Kits Guide For Beginners

What is the Purpose of a Vape Device?
A vape device or also called an e-cigarette is essentially a device you use to inhale the vapor from your vape liquid. A vape device is also called a vaporizer; it is like a battery-powered mini kettle that boils the liquid and creates vapor upon a push of a button.
The Main Parts of a Vape Device
Here are a number of things you need to know first before purchasing your first vape device. 
1. Vape Liquid Tank or Cartridge
A vape tank or cartridge is the part that holds the vape liquid. …

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Vaping Guide For Beginners

Interested in vaping? Here are a few things you need to know first before getting into it. 
What is Vaping?
Vaping refers to the process of inhaling the vapor created by a vape device or also commonly known as an electronic cigarette. 
In order to vape, you typically need two things; a vape device or e-cigarette and a vape liquid or commonly called vape juice. 
E-cigarettes are electronic devices, thus, they come with rechargeable batteries. On the other hand, you can also purchase disposable e-cigarettes which include single-use batteries in them. …

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